PLN: 60,000 Km of Electricity Transmission Over a Decade

2014-09-05     Ismail Al Anshori 기자

BANDUNG, September 1 (EngineeringDaily) -- State-owned company PT. PLN focus on building electricity transmission infrastructure throughout Indonesia with a target of 60,000 kilometers over a decade. Director of Construction and Renewable Energy PT PLN, Nasri Sebayang, said that aside from building power plants, transmission infrastructure will play an important role in supporting the national electricity supply.

In the period 2012-2022, according to Sebayang, the company aims to increase the transmission network of 60,000 km. It is equivalent to one and a half times the circumference of the circle of the earth. Of that total, PLN will complete the construction of 4,800 km length transmission this year.

Moreover, PLN will build substations with total of 115,000 mega volt amperes (MVA). If one substation has 50 MVA voltage, he explained, there will be many substations throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, regarding land acquisition are often problematic in infrastructure development,  Sebayang stated that it had been completed in June 2014, so that construction could be completed as soon as possible.

By Ismail Al Anshori