JICA-Vietnam, Small Conflictions about ODA in Vietnam

2018-09-17     NGUYEN ANH DUONG 기자

Hanoi, September 17 (Engineering Daily) -- Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) has disagreements about ODA businesses  being proceeded in Vietnam with local associates.

The Vietnam Ministry of Finance raised questions on the monthly salary of Japanese consultants and preferential rates related with ODA business conducted by JICA in Vietnam.

The monthly salary of Japanese consultants is reported to be $30,000 per person and this is 20-25% higher than those of the consultants from different countries.

On the higher salary, JICA associate commented "It is true that we offer the salary and put the upper limit, but eventually JICA and Vietnam review the salary together." and continued "The rumour that we prefer Japanese consultants to others is untrue. The fact that the majority of ODA businesses are run by Vietnamese entrepreneurs contradicts to the rumour.

JICA stated that the preferential rate has been adjusted because of the Vietnam being degraded to a lower-middle economy country.

The conflict has drawn attention for the possibility of it influencing JICA businesses in Vietnam.